Monday, March 12, 2012


Well it's been a busy weekend! Pingu and I took the camper van for our first road trip and found ourselves a nice quiet spot under the mountains to test our camping skills*.

After some fiddling, and a few frantic ph calls to Dad (which was quite lucky as the signal completely dropped out about an hour after we'd finished!) we found ourselves with a nice little home for the weekend.

And Pingu got to settle in while I took the 'evidence' pictures :)

And we had lovely open space and trees and mountains to look at ...

....while just sitting around and 'being' (well apart from the odd flicking off of blow flies here and there, that is!)

All in all, a successful trip was had!

On the craft front, I received a lovely book from Pingu and think that I will make one of these for the step-daughter's easter bundle. Not a traditional present, but something I think she'd love. I had a more traditional bunny in mind but might make that for the daughter and/or son.

And I also received my very first bundle of swap squares! Most exciting event.

Now, I must return to the exciting task of unpacking Dworkin's theory of equality! Doesn't get better than that.... (ok well maybe it does!).  Happy Monday-itis!

* skills might be stretching it a bit!

Monday, March 5, 2012

My instructions for block 3

I created the following instructions for making Block 3 because it's causing some grief. It took forever to get on facebook so I've copied it here so that I don't have to put myself through that effort again!

Round 1 – making the front of the flower bud
Start with a circle that has 12 tr in it. This is the front of your flower bud.

Round 2 – making the back of the flower bud
Start to work decreased half trebles (“dec 2htr”) which will fold into a circle at the back of this one. This is the bud of the flower. To work the decreased half treble – take the yarn around your hook, put the needle through the next tr and pick up one loop. Repeat this on the next tr. You should have 5 loops on your hook. Take the yarn around you hook and then pull that loop through all 5 loops on your hook.

Continue this way until you have worked the beginning decreased half treble (“2ch, 1htr in next st”) and the “5 dec 2htr” repeats. You will have 6 stitches in total. Note how your circle has folded back on itself to form a closed circle at the back. This is the back of your flower bud.

At this stage the front of your flower bud should look like this if you turn your work over.

The decreased half trebles are at the back. In the next round, you will work from the back to create the loops for petals.

Round 3 – making the loops for the base of the petal
With the back of the flower facing you, create the 2 ch loops that you will use to form the base of each petal. In each half treble stitch at the back work a double crochet and then a 2 ch loop between stitches. You will have 6 double crochet and 2 ch loops. You will be making the petal into these loops.

Round 4 – making the first round of petals
With the front of the flower facing you, work a series of “1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc” into each of the 2 ch loops. Note how you create the petal at the back of the flower bud this way.
The pattern then tells you to do “1ch, sl st around bp of st in row below” on the very last stitch of round 4. See Round 5 below for how to do this.
From the front your flower should look like this:

Round 5 – creating the next round of loops (3 ch) for the second round of petals
In this round you will be creating another set of loops at the back of your flower. Have a look at it now from the flower now and note how there is a small “bar” created in Round 3 by the double crochet between each 2 ch loop (see where the hook is pointing in the pic below).

This is the back post (“bp”) that the pattern is referring to. Turn your work over now so that you can create the loops at the back of the flower.
With the back of the pattern facing you, you need to take your hook and push it under the double crochet stitch – from the back, to the front, then to the back again as follows:

From here you take the yarn around your hook and pull through to create a double crochet. (On the first stitch, the instructions have you working a slip stitch first to “anchor” the stitches). Work 3 ch and then repeat the double crochet through the back of the next “back post” (ie the next double crochet bar created from round 3).
From the back, your ch loops should start to look a bit like this (there are two loops at the side of this flower):

This round of double crochet and 3 ch loops forms the base of the second round of petals. However, it also creates the next set of “back posts” for round 7. And so on.

Rounds 6 to 9 – continue making petals and loops
Turn you work around so that the front is facing you for the petals, and the back is facing you for the loops. Repeat the process from Rounds 4 and 5 until you have completed 3 sets of petals and created one further set of loops (round 9). This final set of 5 ch loops will give you the base for round 10 – where you start to work normal rounds of treble.

Rounds 10 to 13
Follow the pattern from here on to create several rounds of treble, with 2 tr, 2 ch, 2 tr in each corner.  Finish with the usual round of dc.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 3 and other things

So here's my Block 3.

As I said, very pretty but a bit fiddly. I tend not to have the patience for too many of these!

I've been busy with the other blocks (ie for the swap) and having a lot of fun trying out different patterns, and finished Mum's scarf (which ironically is the same pattern as Block 2 - I just didn't notice it!).

And I got myself organised....

And in between all that I managed to clean the fish tank. Was so excited about it that I had to buy more fish (as you do...)

Ooh and am very excited to report that I have made not one, but two (yes, TWO!) lots of baby African Violets. So my friend Eve's plant will never die now. Well maybe it will die, but it will take a lot more effort on my part to kill it!

And of course there was the arrival of the book.

All in all, not a bad week or two :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 3 Block

The week 3 block of the week was posted this morning, quite a fiddly block this time - a cute little flower in the middle but not easy to put together if you haven't had some experience at flowers. The link for the block is here.  There are a couple of typos in the pattern, though, which is a bit of a shame as the project will lose momentum if it gets to hard to follow the instructions. However, I've managed a couple of blocks and will post pics tomorrow when not so tired.

The week has been reasonably productive, I have a full chapter outline now that I'm really happy with and a few of those narky, annoying jobs off my desk (I'm ignoring the rest). I've managed a few more squares for the swap too, but will need to get some more done over the weekend or I'll fall behind!*

Last night Pingu and I went to the Comedy Club to see Tommy Dean (you can find him on Twitter here) as Pingu won free tickets again (and didn't even enter into any draw for them this time!). He was very funny, but so was the rest of the show. Quite a different line up to the usual, so we really enjoyed it.  And I managed to get myself to the hairdressers - I've been finding it quite difficult to find a decent one but think I may have succeeded today. I used the random google's as useful as anything else I've tried!

So now I'm exhausted, and must go get my beauty sleep - as lord knows I need it!

* Note how quickly I lapsed straight back into crochet... oops!