So last night Pingu issued me a challenge. I am to write for 10 minutes a day. On anything. In the absence of inspiration he's got a random idea generator spreadsheet for me. The truth is that will probably be as effective as any ideas that I might come up with on my own!
Anyway, in true Car style I said "challenge accepted". Well actually I think I mumbled something that equated to "thazzzz a good ideaaaa" because I was seriously sleep deprived when this challenge was issued. Had Pingu challenged me to bungee jump I may even have accepted that at that stage. I was seriously sleepy! Fortunately it was not quite such a life threatening challenge, but one that I may live to regret nevertheless. Because it does mean that I will have to actually produce SOMETHING every day. Which is difficult because usually my brain's response to the question "Well Catherine, what shall you write about today?" is "___________ .. where's the pizza?".
However, I am a person who is true to my word, and if I can't be true to my word I at least pretend to be for the first few days. Therefore, here is my first 10 minutes of writing! Nothing spectacular at all. Just 10 minutes worth of words.
Now, if only I knew how to write an ending!
Ooh Pingu is a wise soul indeed!
I have lots of writing books with exercises here I can loan you too ;)
Call it FREE writing, doesnt have to be of Anything but it will help clear the mind xxx
I'll take you up on that one,
I see your Kung Fu has become very good ~~~~
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