Well today was Art of Quilting day. I finished Blocks 2 and 3. Despite cutting out ever so carefully I've somehow managed to wind up with short bits! It's tricky, because they really don't give you much material to play with. Too bad if you cut it out incorrectly. Anyway, with a bit of luck it will all work out when I add the borders.
I then did blocks 1 - 3 in pink for the upcoming birth of the grand-godchild (if there is such a thing!). The mother to be loves pink, so pink it is. I'm using some fat squares that I got from Lincraft, as it is just easier for me at this stage. And I had those birthday vouchers to pay for it! I was much happier with how these turned out. Practice practice practice....
While I'm waiting for week 4 I think I'll work on the paper piecing cushions that I cut out when Mum was giving me lessons. Too bad she's not here to help! ....yes, I'm looking at you mother ;-)
Now back to knitting the bunny which is just about finished. I wish weekends were longer!
OOh they are looking great for your first attempt at quilting! a lot of my early stuff was short too ;)
Thanks! I must post my paper piecing attempt from Sunday.
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