Friday, April 22, 2011


I have been a very slack blogger. Bad me! (as opposed to 'my bad', an expression that I just cannot, CANNOT, stand!).

In honour of the 5 day weekend that lies ahead, I have decided (with some encouragement of my learned colleague J!) that I shall give myself a 5 day challenge.  So I hereby forthwith declare this weekend PJ easter.  I will wear my PJs for the whole 5 days.  I will wear my PJs until they are so smelly that I must change them, and then I will change into another set of PJs.  I will wear my PJs until I am so sick of PJs that I never want to wear PJs again!  The only exception I will make is when I have to leave the house to drop eggs off / shop and then I will wear tracky dackies, which as far as I'm concerned equate to PJs anyway.

Well............ I'll at least stay in my PJs this morning ;-)

And now, I must return to the dolls which are really very nearly complete! Watch this space...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute. you shoudl do on wearing PJs.